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Tweddle Engineering are proud to support the Nelson Thomlinson School team.
Six pupils from the Nelson Thomlinson School have won the development class in the North West England section of F1 in Schools.
They will now progress to the national final in Chester on the 11th and 12th of March
F1 in Schools is an international science, technology, engineering and mathematics competition for school children aged 11-18 where groups of three to six have to design and manufacture a miniature car out of the official F1 model block using computer aided design software.
Cars are timed from the moment they are launched,to when they pass the finish line by a computer.The cars travel down a 20m track in around a second and a half.
Dale Fitt, a technology teacher at the school, said: “We’ve previously entered the competition in years gone by and decided to resurrect it again last year.
“The same pupils that won this year entered last year and won the entry class.”
Tim Race, Jordan Ion, Matthew Jones, John Heard, Rebecca Watson - all in Year 11, and Brodie Coulthard – Year 10, designed and manufactured the car using the CAD software.
The pupils have to buy their own materials and uniform for the national competition and this year have been sponsored by several local businesses.
Tweddle Engineering said that they “are delighted to be supporting Ouragan Platine team this year. Our Marketing Manager met with the Nelson Thomlinson team in December and was impressed by both the student’s achievements in F1 in Schools but also the professionalism of the team.
When we found out that Ouragan Platine had won the regional part of the F1 competition we were delighted and wish them the best of luck for the next round.”
Wigton Electrical said: “in these challenging times for youngsters, Wigton Electrical are very keen to support and try to promote learning within engineering. The dedication the team have shown to learning and self motivated development has been outstanding.”
Cowens Ltd and Stitch and Print also sponsored the team and were very pleased with these results when they raced on the 18th of January
The F1 in Schools competition is split into three classes, entry, development and professional. The team were the winners of the development class and have been invited to Airbus 308 factory in Cheshire for the National Finals on the 11th and 12th of March.
“We are very proud. The pupils demonstrated a lot of independence and had to learn a number of computer aided design and manufacture skills.
“It was also pleasing to see the teams demonstrate the softer skills they have developed throughout their time at Nelson Thomlinson as they were commended for the quality of their verbal and digital presentations,” added Dale.
The entire event will be livestreamed on F1 in schools UK YouTube channel.