Engineering & Fabrication Services
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Accreditation achieved - CE Marking of Structural Steel
Tweddle Engineering is pleased to announce its successful achievement of CE Marking Compliance with certification to BS EN 1090-1 and 2 – Execution Class 2. Audited and certified by Alcumus ISOQAR
From 1st July 2014 all fabricated structural steelwork must meet the harmonised European standard BS EN 1090 and carry the CE mark. Tweddle Engineering has maintained its investment in both personnel and quality control systems to ensure that it achieves certification, which is determined by an independent assessment.
In 2013 the new Construction Products Regulations were released, making CE marking mandatory and requiring fabricators to demonstrate that their internal training, qualifications and quality control procedures met the necessary standards.
BS EN 9010-2 requires that for any project, the required quality of fabrication or Execution Class must be specified. This determines the level of quality required within the fabrication process, according to the type of building, height, area and purpose.
Every construction must be classified under one of the four levels where Execution Class 2 (EXC2) will be appropriate for the majority of buildings constructed in the UK. If the Execution Class is not specified on a project then EXC2 shall apply.
Tweddle Engineering has been accredited to EXC2, which allows it to fabricate the vast majority of steel structures. The certification provides evidence of a suitable Factory Production Control (FPC), which ensures traceability of every component from source through the fabrication process and to final delivery to site.
Already being accredited to the ‘industry recognized’ quality standard ISO 9001, Tweddle Engineering have further enhanced their capabilities and can ensure customers continue to receive the very best in Engineering performance.
FPC Certificate Weld Certificate